About Graham

My love of art goes way back.

Graduating at Camberwell School of Arts, Peckham, London, 20+ years ago, I was often on the fringes of the tattoo industry by creating illustrations and bespoke designs for tattoo artists.

Having spent a long time specialising in commercial illustration I then went into the education of art. I am still Head of Arts at a college but now have the great privilege and responsibility of creating pieces of art onto people’s skin.
I enjoy the diversity of differing tattoo styles but prefer 3D realism and watercolour. Bespoke designs are a speciality.

I work closely with art generally and apart from still teaching it, I exhibit in galleries and am a member of the Wirral Society of Arts www.wirralsocietyarts.org 

My tattoo studio is based within a beautiful suite of rooms surrounded by people that specialise in skin. This is quite unique and I am finding that a whole new group of people are coming forward for tattoos who wouldn’t normally approach a traditional style tattoo studio which is great.

If you are thinking of a cover up for a hated tattoo or would like to discuss ideas on a new tattoo, or looking for added confidence with a medical tattoo, drop us a line, or book in for a free consultation.

Looking forward to meeting you
Graham Johnson



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